Coaching changes lives. I see it as a transformational dialogue, a safe space where you explore, strategize and then choose how to move forward. On this journey I’ll be your fellow traveler, your thinking partner, your conscience, your professional friend and, in some ways, your therapist. Coaching can be applied to many areas, to move away from problems or towards particular goals or desires, and I see clients from all walks of life. However, I only work with people who are committed to the process, who are ready to make a change and willing to invest in themselves. I can’t guarantee that your life magically changes after a few months of work, but experience has taught me that my clients’ lives often change in tremendous ways once they make the decision to face their fears and work actively towards their dream or vision.
Coaching works across a range of issues. Some are illustrated below in more detail. In general I help people to take charge of their lives, to grow into better people, better coaches, better parents, better leaders etc. And nobody but you is setting the standards for what constitutes a good or successful life. You choose where you are going! You make the rules. And you accept the consequences of your actions (as well as owning the rewards). Everybody needs help sometimes, support is important, and we’re stronger with somebody in our corner. At times we may feel stuck, devoid of a sense of meaning and purpose, having perhaps lost clear view of the path that was once clear. Almost everyday we have to make difficult decisions (or we fail to make or see them), deal with difficult people or work on our relationships. Everyday we are confronted with ourselves and the world around us. I know I live better when I face my challenges and take charge of my life, even (and often especially) when it’s uncomfortable or if I fail – it always feels better having challenged myself. Anxiety is inevitable, but it can also be your friend. The so-called “negative” emotions are often the stuff that make life worth living, the grist for the stories we tell our children. We are going to face them together and learn to value them for what they are. With that kind of resilience, I believe you can do almost anything.
So in essence coaching is a very honest, open, non-judgmental and at times challenging conversation focused on achieving what YOU want to do and WHO you want to be. It is a place and time to ponder, reflect, doubt and understand (your) life better. And to then act on it. With nearly 2 decades years of experience in personal development, Positive Psychology and Existential Coaching as well as having trained many hundreds of life and business coaches in a range of different approaches, I now offer broadly three categories of coaching-related work:
- Life Coaching (working with private clients)
- Business Coaching (paid for by the organisation – ask your manager!)
- Coaching Supervision (supervising other coaches’ professional work & development)
- Coaching Skills Training (in groups and 1-on-1)
Please scroll down to learn a little more about each or
Positive Existential Coaching (How should I live?)

Drawing on positive psychology and existential philosophy, this approach is ideal to explore your worldview, values and beliefs. This is the foundation from which to make difficult decisions, create more meaning in your life, derive and reach goals and to explore what it means for you to live a happier and more fulfilled life.
Personal Consultancy (Coaching meets Therapy)

Developed by my friend and colleague Nash Popovic, this approach integrates aspects of coaching and therapy and hence covers the full spectrum of human experience. If you are feeling vulnerable, recently experienced considerable adversity or otherwise feel not stable enough to be coached, then personal consultancy is right for you. (Read more in my book chapter in Personal Consultancy:
Exit Coaching (Planning Major Life Changes)

Many people, at some point in their life, feel that they have lost their path or begin to doubt whether the direction they are following is still right for them. If you plan a major life change or makeover, Exit Coaching offers the right support. You will be able to consider your options, create your personal exit strategy and receive support throughout the process.
Life Supervision (Long-term Coaching)

Most coaches work on a very short-term basis. However, many clients would like continuous support from the coach. Upon evaluating the ethical and professional implications for this kind of coaching practice I developed life supervision, a long-term coaching option that provides ongoing support for your life.
Pro Coaching (Athletes)

As a pro coach I work with athletes to improve their ‘inner game’, the foundation for cutting edge performance. I mostly work with extreme sports athletes on their perception of fear and anxiety, stress management and emotional intelligence.
Positive Executive Coaching (Career advancement)

Business coaching focuses on success, performance, learning and positive development in the workplace. Positive Executive Coaching is very structured, uses measurable tools and a range of assessment methods while paying close attention to the client’s strengths, values and worldview in order to foster authentic engagement. It utilizes personal strengths, boosts employee wellbeing, provides a meaning framework related to your job/company, provides support through periods of change or transition and resolving personal issues or workplace conflicts.
Exit Coaching (Major Career Change)

If you are considering a change in career or plan to leave your current job, Exit coaching will help you to consider your options, create your personal exit strategy and receive support throughout the process. No matter if you are in your early 20s or near retirement age, chances are that you can’t do what you do now forever.
Supervision (Continuous Support)

Most coaches work on a short-term basis. However, many employees, managers or executives are benefitting from continuous support from a coach. The coach can act as a sounding board or a person to bounce ideas off, helps manage ongoing conflict or contrasts planned strategies or decisions with the client’s or corporation’s worldview and values.
Coaching Supervision

Supervision is becoming the industry standard for coaching excellence. A supervisor will provide a space for you talk through challenging client work, figure out how to proceed when you feel stuck, learn from your experiences, understand what makes you tick where your strengths s lie and hence to ensure best practice with your own clients. The process is similar to personal coaching, yet it is fundamentally focused on you as a practitioner.
Coach Training

Over the years I have been training hundreds of life & business coaches at MA, MSc and Certificate level at various institutions. I offer training for complete beginners who want to learn the basics of the profession all the way up to specialized programmes in Existential Coaching and Positive Psychology Coaching. I have designed and delivered accredited coaching training ranging from 2hr taster sessions, weekend CPD courses to 40hr training programmes. These can be booked one-on-one or in groups.
Elite 101 Coach Training

A bespoke 1-on-1 training programme tailored to your individual needs and blending personal coaching, supervision, skills training, mentoring and more. Please click here for more details!
Got any questions? Not sure how to move forward from here? Or would you like to get a taste before you sign up? Let’s talk! No-strings-attached.
In order to encourage more coaches to work with a supervisor early in their career I offer a discounted 6-session package to those who are currently training to be a coach or doing advanced training. Book now or schedule a consultation.
Based on years of experience training life and business coaches at Msc and ICF level I’ve developed a ground-breaking new approach to training. Whether you are a recently qualified coach looking to plug the gaps in your training or you are thinking about switching careers – the Elite 121 Coach Training programme will help you be the best coach you can be through a unique blend of 1-to-1 training, personal coaching, business mentoring and supervision. Sign up today and turn your passion into a successful business!
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