Nuggets March 2018

Nuggets March 2018

Hey everybody,

I’ve promised to keep in touch with you guys every now and then and some of you have kindly let me know what they would find useful and informative so here it goes – short & sweet (and for those of you who may have noticed, yes, indeed inspired by and shamelessly adapted from Tim Ferriss’s newsletter, which I can highly recommend). 

What I’m reading
Irvin D. Yalom’s Love’s Executioner (and other tales of psychotherapy). Irvin is one of the most engaging existential writers in my books. I love how authentically, openly and vulnerably he talks about his process, thoughts and reflections. The magnitude of life stories that hes come across during the course of his ongoing career is astonishing and anybody who’s working with people can only be inspired by the human relationships he builds and centres his practice around. A powerful account of the depth of human experience with lots of learning with regards to why people do the things they do.

What I’m learning
Given that I’ve been supervising more and more coaches during this past year, I’ve decided to add an official qualification to my repertoire, supported and offered by the wonderful Animas Centre for Coaching. Following our day on Positive Psychology I’ve build some links between the 7 eyed model of supervision and a range of wellbeing theories. Particularly for coaches who feel they’ve plateaued, get bored frequently or otherwise lost their enthusiasm for their work it’s a wonderful start to a conversation to explore to what extent they experience positive emotions, relatedness, competence, autonomy, personal/professional growth, meaning, accomplishment and engagement in their work. Same goes for any job I guess.

What I’m selling
I’ll be running two weekend training courses in London in the (relatively) near future:
Positive Psychology for Coaches – April 21/22 – 15% Early Bird discount ends this Friday!
Existential Coaching – July 27/28 – Registration now open
In order to secure your place and discount, please surf over to Eventbrite or paypal me a £100 deposit.

What I’m pondering on
“I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth, then I ask myself the same question.” (Harun Yahya)
More existential thoughts and nuggets

What I’m coaching
One of my clients is a successful coach. She’s working from home and sees about 4 clients per day. Her business is going well and she’s often earning as much by 1pm as many of her friends during a 10 hour day. Recently she started considering cutting down the number of clients she sees on a daily basis but felt a real guilt coming up. What struck me (and what I can definitely relate to from when I started out) is that we tend to underestimate what goes into our work when we’re passionate about it. Hours, days and often years of training, reflection, research or trying to build a network – time during which we could have been earning real money – add up to a substantial amount of investment. If we take into account the time we dedicate to our clients beyond the hour we’re physically with them, we’re likely to start thinking differently about what we charge per session.

That’s it for today. If you have any feedback, comments, questions or recommendations, I’d love to hear from you!


Yannick Jacob

As a coach, mediator, coach trainer & supervisor and as a creative, critical thinker who’s determined to introduce effective programmes to schools, companies and individuals, Yannick helps his clients explore their world, build a strong foundation of who they are and as a result grow, resolve conflicts and embrace life’s challenges.