Nuggets December 2020 – Special Christmas Nugget

First of all: whether you’re celebrating Christmas or not, whether you were able to spend this time with family and loved ones or you were shielding (them), from the bottom of my heart I wish that you’ve had some time to quieten the mind and be merry.

In the midst of the new CoViD strain emerging from the UK and the whole of Europe shutting down as a consequence, I’m sitting here in Mexico, very grateful to be able to spend these days surrounded by my “other” family, but certainly thinking about all my loved ones who can’t be together.

I’ve also found myself blessed with a LOT of work over the course of this pandemic. In fact, as I’m drafting the bottom part of this email, I find myself at the latter end of pulling 16-hour days over the course of December in order to present to you…

I must say I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve done here! After more than 8 months of thinking, developing, re-thinking, networking, connecting, recruiting, curating, filming, producing, conversing, reflecting, re-structuring, CoViDing and generally working incredibly hard to pull this thing off, our baby is now standing firm on its own two legs, found its balance, one finger on the railing, ready to hit the ground running in February.

All modules are filmed, all exercises written, an incredible amount of extra value added, and our editor is putting the final touches on the remaining materials.

With 45 sessions across 15 modules and more than 20 hours of coaching demonstrations from many of the world’s most influential coaches, this is truly a great moment for anybody interested in coaching and considering adding coaching skills to their repertoire.

And if you’re a qualified coach already, I should add that with 10 years of coaching, training and supervision in my bag, I’ve learned invaluable lessons from each and every one of our teachers, so no matter where you are in your journey, this is worth checking out!

Please take a few minutes to let us introduce you to the course:

While I’ve curated and developed the course, it would certainly not exist without the amazing people at the School of Positive Transformation, whose enthusiasm, professionalism and genuine passion for helping people learn I sing my praises to. Thank you first and foremost to the School’s Director Itai Ivtzan as well as to Ian, Ilja, Marcie and everyone else who had a part in making this happen. You are a joy to work with! Thank you!

Also, I can’t thank all our teachers enough, many of which took time out of extremely busy schedules to help our students learn.

And that’s it! Big news for me. Exciting news for you too, I hope 🙂

If you’ve got any questions about the course, just let me know or reach out directly to the School of Positive Transformation.

And please do spread the word to anybody you think might be interested in this. And if you do, you’d do me a favour to use the above video or the following link, so that my affiliate bonus registers.

With Love

Yannick Jacob

As a coach, mediator, coach trainer & supervisor and as a creative, critical thinker who’s determined to introduce effective programmes to schools, companies and individuals, Yannick helps his clients explore their world, build a strong foundation of who they are and as a result grow, resolve conflicts and embrace life’s challenges.