Why you are here (allegedly)

1) So you’ve just completed your coach training and can’t wait to get out there and coach but could do with some help?

2) Or you feel like you’ve plateaued as a coach and would like to go deeper with your clients or further as a practitioner, but you’re tired of group CPDs, superficial evening events and overpriced training weekends?

3) Or perhaps you want to train as a coach from the ground up or include coaching elements into your existing job but you’re looking for something that’s tailored to your specific needs and existing skill set rather than trying to select a suitable course from within the jungle of available coach training?

What if you could get a highly trained and experienced coach, a University lecturer, a supervisor, a trainer, a business mentor and a counsellor just for yourself and all in one?

Welcome to Rocket Supervision.

The Context

If your training was any good, you’ll have a decent idea where to start building your business and perhaps you already built a little bit of a client base willing to start paying you for your services. However, unfortunately many training providers don’t prepare you very well for the journey ahead so that many aspiring professionals never reach their full potential and too many are getting drawn back into their previous line of work. Even the best programmes I know don’t provide nearly enough valuable contact time with tutors and professional supervisors, let alone hands-on help to find clients or powerful learning tools such as video analysis. The result is that many coaches tell me they just don’t feel confident enough to go out and find paying clients to successfully build their business. I’ve created the Elite 121 Training Programme to change this.

If you’re anything like me when I started, you will have some great foundational skills and lots of enthusiasm but also a fair deal of anxiety about getting out there as well as no clear idea on how to get high-paying clients or set up your business. I can help you get on the ladder and support you along the way with a unique and bespoke combination of all the skills and experience I’ve acquired over the years.

Coaching fees range from “doing it for the love” to “ridiculous expensive“. But those who make it to the top often aren’t even the best coaches out there. What they know exactly though, is who they are, who they want to work with, what value they provide and how to communicate that effectively. And in addition to their training and lots of practice they always have a strong supervisor or mentor by their side.

What you’re getting

Based on a decade of experience in psychology and coach training I help aspiring coaches like you fill in the gaps in their training, realize their unique strengths and identify their niche market. If you are hungry to establish yourself as a powerful coach and you commit to the process, I will empower you to turn your passion into a successful coaching business.

I won’t promise you a 6-figure business in 4 simple steps. It’ll be a journey. And it’ll take hard work, courage and some investment. But it’ll be worth it, for it will be the foundation of who you are as a practitioner (and the story you’ll later tell to your clients, friends and grand children).

Your trainer

During my time as Programme Leader of the MSc Coaching Psychology at the University of East London and lead CPD trainer at Animas Centre for Coaching (2015-2018) I trained hundreds of now successful life and business coaches from a range of different approaches at ICF and Masters level. I published books and book chapters on Positive Psychology, Existential Coaching and Coach-Therapy Integration and I created my own unique, cutting-edge approach to practice that now attracts clients from all over the world: Positive Existential Coaching. I now teach coaching at Cambridge University and coaching supervision at the International Centre for Coaching Supervision, and I present on coaching at conferences internationally. 

In my work with coaches like you I blend elements of coaching, mentoring, teaching, supervision, counselling and philosophical consultancy in a bespoke way (tailored to each client individually) so that you get exactly what you need in order to be the best coach you can be.

How it works

What exactly we do together during the 3-months, 6-months or 12-months programme will depend on your level of skill, confidence, experience and commitment as well as your preferred learning style but usually contains the following elements:

  • Personal Coaching – “Who you are is how you coach!” Our coaching work will help you carve out your personal style, identify your strengths, values and identity as a coach and resolve any obstacles to becoming a pro.
  • Supervision – Discussing your work with clients is crucial for developing your professional practice and becoming a better coach. If you don’t currently have clients I will help you find some or refer the to you.
  • Business Mentoring – In every successful coach there’s a successful entrepreneur. Together we will identify your target market, build your brand, work on your pitch and set up your coaching business.
  • Skills Training – Where appropriate I will draw on my background in coaching skills training to run you through relevant models, theories or coaching techniques and tools that you are interested in to improve your practice.
  • Video Analysis & Feedback – We will take a critical look at recordings of coaching sessions by yourself as well as other professional coaches in order to highlight strengths and areas of development.
  • Learning Resources – Based on your individual development journey I can recommend you a variety of books, articles, podcasts, videos, talks or people to talk to in order to deepen or broaden your knowledge & skills.
  • Accreditation – If you are not yet accredited by any professional coaching bodies and would like to add this to your resume I will guide you through the process and make sure you fulfill all the relevant criteria.
  • 24hr Access – For the duration of the programme I will be in your life and you will be able to contact me around the clock with any pressing questions that you may have.

While I prefer face-to-face meetings, modern technology allows us to do powerful work even if you are unable to travel to London. Worried about high fees? We’ll find a way! Or we can explore you joining one of the accelerator groups I run. Just talk to me and we’ll figure out the best way to work together and get you what you want. If you’re ready to become a pro or take your practice to the next level, contact me today for a free, no-strings-attached conversation about how I can best support you in creating your dream job.

Until then I look forward to hearing from you.
Choose life! Choose a career you love!
Let’s make it happen together!

Teaching Faculty – Cambridge University and International Centre for Coaching Supervision
Fmr Programme Leader MSc Coaching Psychology – University of East London
Founder of Yannick’s Coaching Lab


James Ross-Smith: “Yannick was a great teacher, combining metaphor, case study and coaching as he was presenting the course. I learnt a lot more than I expected too and got some great personal shifts, massive changes to my coaching style and finally made the career change I had been putting off for 9 years. Money and time very well spent!”

Shaun Higgins: Yannick created a space where we could explore my needs at the intersection of supervision and mentoring, offering me the guidance and motivation I needed. One particular challenge has been pricing my offer, further complicated by me feeling in some ways uncomfortable about asking for money. Yannick offered invaluable guidance around ways of enabling clients to recognize the worth of my coaching so that they are then willing to pay for it according to its value to them (and not its cost according to me). This idea alone now offers me the opportunity to approach clients with greater confidence.

Richard Thorby: Yannick Jacob has been instrumental in the further development of my executive coaching capabilities in the areas of Positive Psychology and Existential Coaching. These developments were received through formal training, dedicated one-to-one work and in-depth work through the coaching approach. As a coach I have found that he has an innate ability to make me feel at ease while we explore some of the deeper issues of the development of my coaching practice as well as to help me to explore the existential issues that are emerging. He is singularly gifted and I would unquestioningly recommend him as a coach and an educator.

Martin Knowles: “It felt like I suppose what it must have felt like for the audience of Socrates“

Jodi Wedeen: “Yannick is such a passionate and intelligent person. I thoroughly enjoyed his coaching class because it opened my eyes and my thoughts. He gave us the open space to express ourselves and allowed us to ask difficult questions. He is a unique teacher and offers a lot knowledge and perspective. I HIGHLY recommend taking a class or experiencing a life coaching session with him. Thank you so much.”

Carol Perez: “Yannick, thank you for sharing your huge amount of knowledge in such an unpretentious, engaging and unique way. I’ve been feeling like Neo (the matrix) since I left on Sunday hahaha, downloading, updating and uninstalling useless things that I chose to “be”.”

Jo Waters: “The amount I felt I learned was huge. I am going away buzzing and excited!“

Student 1427823: “Throughout this process I reflected on my behaviour, thoughts, and perspectives on a wide variety of life skills and situations. Without coaching I believe that most of these issues would have remained a thought in the back of my mind and not something that I would have addressed. The biggest part of my life that I noticed changed was my ability to stand up for myself and learning that it is ok to say no. I felt myself developing after only a few weeks.”

Student 1233751: “Over the past few weeks I have discovered so much about myself. […] I feel that I have made peace with myself in certain areas of my life such as my relationship with the past and even though I still have many areas of my life yet to work on, I feel as though I am on the way to a better future with a new belief system in myself.”

John Gedge: “I really enjoyed Yannick’s delivery and his apparently effortless facilitation, which enabled us all to have such a rich learning experience. Yannick was hugely engaging, passionate and knowledgeable.”

Lindsay: “The curious paradox is that once I accept myself as I am, then I can change. And to me that goes to the root of everything that I am now beginning to believe I can offer as a coach. My own insecurities and my lack of confidence of what I can deal with as a coach is of enormous value to me. Having this polished view of perfection that i thought I needed to have before I can go out there is actually not particularly me. So thank you for laying the route that got me there.”

See more testimonials

Curious enough?


Are you ready to kick-start your coaching career? Or do you have any questions or concerns?

Let’s talk! Schedule an initial call to assess your individual needs and discuss how to best make this programme work for you.


Costs vary depending on your individual needs and the intensity of your training. Since every programme is tailored to your individual needs I will make you an offer after our initial consultation. Prices are generally comparable to other training opportunities out there but with the added extra of bespoke 1:1 support.


Since the Elite 101 Programme is tailored to your individual needs and you will be working 1-on-1 with me throughout, you may start at any time. However, this also means that spaces are very limited as I only work with 5 trainees at a time. You can check my availability here.


If you have only just decided to become a coach recently and don’t want to join group-based training I can take you through the basics on a one-to-one basis, guide you through finding your first clients and help you with the process of building your business. There are many successful coaches out there who have never completed any accredited group training. In fact, due to the intense mode of learning, you’ll probably be a lot better than most of them after completion.


If you have already completed a number of training courses, there’s always room to grow your skills and take your practice to the next level. As someone who has trained hundreds of successful life and business coaches at Masters level and delivered a variety of ICF accredited CPD training (e.g. Positive Psychology, Existential and Conflict Coaching) I know first hand that the most powerful shifts take place during 1-to-1 contact time and through getting direct, hands-on feedback on your work with actual clients (e.g. through video analysis or as an observer). My blended approach will help coaches at any level be the best they can be.